Senior Group 
                Coach:              Head Coach Patti Haney  (562) 431-7526 
                Location:          Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base Pool
                Time:                 4 :00 - 6:00 PM   M - F
                                              5:45 - 7:45  AM  Fri
                                              7:30 - 9:30 AM  Sat
                Description:    Mandatory meet and workout attendance required
Pre Senior
                Coach:               Coach Patti   (562) 431-7526
                Location:          Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base Pool
                Time:                  4:00 - 6:00 PM   M - F
                                               7:30 - 9:30 AM  Sat
                Description:      11 and older swimmers with WAG time standards.
Gold I & II
                Coach:               Coach Holly   (714) 713-3883  
                                            Coach Maxime (714) 552-3474  
                Location:          Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base Pool
                Time:                  4:00 - 6:00  M - T - W - Th - F  

                Description:      10 and older swimmers with emphasis on stroke technique.

Silver I
                Coach:               Coach Christie     (714) 797- 4259
                Location:          Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base Pool
                Time:                   4:00 - 6:00 PM  M - T - W - Th - F
                Description:      10 and under  swimmers with JO and blue times.
Silver II
                Coach:               Coach Christie    (714)797-4259                     
                 Location:          Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base Pool
                Time                     5:00 - 6:00 PM  M - T - W - Th - F                                            

                Description:     9 & younger swimmers with emphasis on stroke technique.


Bronze  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________                    

                Coach:              Coach  Kathy    (562) 243-1596
                Location:          McGaugh Pool
                Time:                  4:00pm - 4:45 PM  OR   4:45 - 5:30 PM  Mon - Thurs

                 Description:     12 and younger swimmers with emphasis on stroke technique.